Culture and the structural funds in Bulgaria

In the framework of the design and negotiation of the EU’s Cohesion Policy and the Operational Programmes for the funding period 2014-20, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture asked the European Expert Network on Culture (EENC) to prepare papers to analyse how the cultural and creative sectors could foster local and regional development in several EU Member States.

Each national analysis presents an overview of available information on how the Structural Funds have been used with regard to the cultural sector, a short SWOT analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of investment in the cultural and creative sector and an identification of priorities for investment in culture in 2014-2020.

Following the 4 papers published in July 2012, eight new papers are presented hereafter – as prepared by Lidia Varbanova (Bulgaria), Pascal Brunet and Laurence Barone (France), Hatto Fischer (Greece), Péter Inkei (Hungary), Gráinne Millar (Ireland), Jorge Cerveira Pinto (Portugal), Corina Şuteu (Romania) and Zora Jaurová (Slovakia).

Culture and the Structural Funds in Bulgaria

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